(HARLINGEN, Texas) – Steven Coffman credits life-changing instructors at Texas State Technical College for his love of teaching. Currently he is lead instructor for Computer Programming Technology at TSTC. He hopes to bring that same level of inspiration to the curriculum, which is offered completely online, in the same way that his instructors did for him.

What do you enjoy about working with students?

I really enjoy it when students realize that they are more capable than they may have previously thought. To many students, programming can seem like a tall mountain to climb, and it is great to see so many reach the top and look back down.

Do you have a favorite TSTC memory?

My first graduation ceremony was just one special moment out of many. A graduate has their whole life before them, and I feel fortunate to have played some part of that journey. I have also met and had the opportunity to work with so many great people at TSTC.

What inspired you to get into higher education?

As a graduate of TSTC myself, I always had a lingering interest in teaching. I can specifically attribute this to some of the great computer science instructors that I had when I was a student. I wanted to be able to do for our students what those instructors did for me.

Do you have any advice for students considering this path?

If you are motivated and are willing to face a challenge as an opportunity rather than a roadblock, then you can be successful as a computer programmer. And no, you do not have to be a technical wizard before you join our degree program.

TSTC offers an Associate of Applied Science degree in Computer Programming Technology. To learn more, visit https://www.tstc.edu/programs/ComputerProgramming.


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