Category Archives: West Texas

TSTC Employee Celebrates 40th Work Anniversary

dsc_0660(SWEETWATER) – When Si Acuña began working at Texas State Technical College in Sweetwater, he thought he would only be there for a few years. Now he finds himself in his 40th year at TSTC.

Acuña began working at the college in 1976 as a lab assistant in Automotive Technology.

“I was thinking I would stick around and see how long I was going to stay,” Acuña said. “I thought I would maybe go and do something else after that. I started as a lab assistant and moved on to an instructor, then moved on to master instructor for many years, and I was the department chair for years on and off. The program just kept going and going.”

With the development of advanced technology in cars, Acuña has seen much change throughout his time at TSTC.

“In the last 15 years or so, technology has changed so rapidly,” Acuña said. “The curriculum has changed quite a bit to keep up. In my time here, we’ve grown from being in a small building to a larger building where we are now. We have a lot more space and more classrooms with a well-equipped shop.”

He keeps up with the technology by reading and maintaining membership in professional organizations.

“I’ve been a member of many organizations that send out information and host conferences, like the Mobile Air Conditioning Society, the Automotive Service Association and the Automatic Transmission Association,” Acuña said. “Being part of those organizations, going to conferences and continuing to study on my own, I’m learning all the time.”

Acuña is proud to have made a difference at TSTC.

“I’m glad I was part of it,” Acuña said. “I helped to train a lot of students. One of the things I really like is working with the students and training them. The training is what’s really kept me here so long, being able to pass on my knowledge to other people.”

Overall, his favorite moment in teaching is seeing his students succeed.

“I have a lot of favorite moments, but I guess what is the best is when I see them cross the stage and they get a job,” Acuña said. “That’s the greatest one.”


TSTC Employer Spotlights Offer Job Preparation, Careers

Texas State Technical College aims for its students to get in, get out and get a job. One way the college is working toward fulfilling this goal is by hosting employer spotlight events at each of its 10 campuses.

Employer spotlights are unique, personal demonstrations where industry employers are brought in to teach students about their company and, often, hire new employees.

“These spotlights are an interactive showcase of a company’s culture and values, current openings, and even salary structure and employee benefits,” said Julia Humphrey, Director of Talent Management for TSTC in West Texas. “The setting usually begins as a company presentation, but also offers students the opportunity to ask questions and really get a better understanding of what it takes to get a job in that industry. Employment partners welcome these recruiting opportunities and may also review resumes, conduct interviews and make employment offers.”

One company who participates in TSTC’s employer spotlight program is NextEra Energy Resources. NextEra employs approximately 5,000 people in 25 states and Canada. Last month, the company visited with eight Wind Energy Technology students at TSTC and made four job offers at their employer spotlight event. Aaron Chavarria, who graduates in December, was one of the students hired. He will begin working as a Technician III in Panhandle, Texas, in three to four weeks.

“I’ll be performing basic maintenance and troubleshooting procedures,” Chavarria said. “The first thing I’ll be doing when I get there is training. They will send me to a two-week boot camp in Woodward, Oklahoma, to train me on their standards.”

Humphrey believes that employer spotlights are an important exercise.

“These spotlights begin that shift from the student mindset to that of a professional candidate,” she said. “These events are an important tool that the Talent Management department uses for building the future workforce.”

Chavarria also recognized the significance of the exercise.

“I took it very seriously,” Chavarria said. “The night before, I got my dress clothes – some khakis and a nice button-up shirt – and ironed them. I went over some interviewing procedures online, because I knew I would have the opportunity to interview with them. I got my notes ready with what questions I would want to ask the employers when they’re there. I prepared myself. The day and night before I was pretty much living like I was already there.”

He began the day dressed for success and well-prepared.

“I was very confident, but did I expect to walk out with a job? No,” Chavarria said. “I thought I had a great opportunity to have a follow-up interview in the future, but I didn’t think they would hire me on the spot.”

Chavarria is thankful and relieved to have reached his end goal ahead of schedule.

“The instructors mentioned to us when we started that there would be a light at the end of the tunnel. For the longest time, for three semesters and going into your fourth, that light isn’t there. You begin to feel antsy and anxious. Once you see that light, like mine with NextEra, when I actually got offered the job, it was a big sigh of relief knowing that everything I worked for over the last 15 months paid off. That’s what I came to school for and it’s truly worth it.”

For more information on TSTC and the college’s Talent Management resources, visit

TSTC Graduate Returns to Teach New Program

stephBROWNWOOD- Stephanie Young began working at Texas State Technical College in Brownwood at the start of August to teach the campus’ new Emergency Medical Technician program.

The Bangs, Texas, resident graduated from the Emergency Medical Services program at TSTC in Abilene in 2011. She served as a paramedic throughout the Big Country area for the last six years before teaching at TSTC.

Young was inspired to break into the industry by her brother, who is also a paramedic.

“My brother was a paramedic right out of high school,” Young said. “We’re only 14 months apart.”

But after getting married and having children at a young age, she decided to put her college plans on hold.

“I had my first child when I was 18,” Young said. “You’re kind of strapped to the kids at that point. I worked in real estate for a long time, but I always wanted to be an EMT. I just had a passion for it and for helping people.”

So once her children were able to care for themselves, she took the plunge into the emergency medical services field.

“I decided that it was time for me to do it,” Young said. “I went through the paramedic program at TSTC in Abilene and I loved it so much. I really think the education I got at TSTC is what brought me back here to teach.”

Beginning work at TSTC just a few weeks before classes began for the fall, Young was nervous.

“When I got into this, I was worried about the teaching portion of it, but I realized very quickly that it’s not just teaching,” Young said. “There’s a lot involved—recruitment, getting the kids in here and registered, following up with learning programs the EMS department uses. I’m kind of getting used to the software and everything, but I’ve found that—since I’m passionate about it and about EMS— teaching has come easy.”

So far, her favorite part has been working with the students.

“We had a class yesterday and we were going over anatomy and physiology, cells and our body’s responses to injuries,” Young said. “The students were reading it on their own and they didn’t quite understand, but then they came to class and we were able to shed light on the subject. It’s really awesome to see the students get excited. And I think that’s my favorite part—that they enjoy learning.”

The Emergency Medical Technician certificate is now offered at the Brownwood campus. For more information on the program, visit

Graduate of First Environmental Class Returns to Join TSTC Team

teresa-purcell-smBRECKENRIDGE – Teresa Purcell was a pioneer, studying as part of the first cohort in the Environmental Technology program at Texas State Technical College in Breckenridge. Now, Purcell has come full circle to teach that same program.

The Albany, Texas resident began teaching in the Environmental Technology program at the start of the fall 2016 semester, and she said the program has grown quite a bit since its inception.

“When we started, we had one classroom and all of our equipment was in a closet,” Purcell said. “To come here now to this lab they’ve built for the students and all of the different types of equipment, the opportunities are incredible. They train at every level possible so they can be able to go out there and say, ‘hey, I’ve trained on that. I’ve learned that. I want to be part of that.’”

Purcell broke into the environmental field while working at a law office in Shreveport, La. A friend of hers joined the Environmental Technology program at TSTC and persuaded her to come along.

“I thought I would like to work toward environmental law, because I wanted to stay with the law aspect,” Purcell said. “So we joined the program together. Once I graduated and got to experience a different field, I decided I was going to stay away from the law aspect of it because I enjoyed being outside and doing things for the community.”

Purcell wanted to join the TSTC team for the camaraderie and to help guide students.

“When I went through the program, the staff and my classmates were like a second family,” she said. “They were caring, always there for you no matter what. I wanted to become part of the team because I know they help the students succeed. We guide them in the direction they need to go. I just felt like TSTC was an opportunity to be able to give back to students and share my knowledge and experience with them.”

Before working at TSTC, Purcell worked as a field chemist in Dallas, an environmental tech in Abilene, a senior environmental tech in Iraq and, most recently, a project manager in Port Arthur.

Purcell’s favorite part of teaching at TSTC is doing hands-on work with the students.

“We’ve started quite a few projects here in the classroom, and being able to show them how to do this is great,” Purcell said. “What I’ve heard is that we’re the talk of the campus because of the things we’re doing here. They’re excited about the things we’re doing. It makes me feel good. Twenty years ago I never thought I’d be here doing this.”

For more information on TSTC’s Environmental Technology program, visit

Hendrick Health System Donates to TSTC Digital Media Design Program

Hendrick Donationsm(ABILENE) – Hendrick Medical Center in Abilene is bringing the dream of a college education a little bit closer for students of the Digital Media Design program at Texas State Technical College.

Hendrick has donated $2,500 to TSTC’s Make a Texas-Sized Difference Campaign, helping to offer the Texan Success Scholarship to new students in the program. The funds allow TSTC to give students $500 scholarships to be used toward equipment they will need in the program. The TSTC Foundation matches donated funds for this campaign, so the Digital Media Design department will have $5,000 in scholarships to award.

Christina Hollis, division director of Computer Information Systems and Design at TSTC, said the scholarships will help students get a head start.

“Not all students have the funds to purchase a laptop at the beginning of our program,” Hollis said. “These funds will help those students hit the ground running the first day of class with the technology they need to be successful.”

A longstanding partnership, TSTC’s Digital Media Design and Culinary Arts departments helped with Hendrick’s annual Cancer Survivorship Program event, the Survivorship Culinary Showdown.

“The Digital Media students created the event’s intro video,” Hollis said. “We also created the postcard sent for the event and the program, did photography and hosted a live feed of the event.”

Norm Archibald, vice president of development at the Hendrick Medical Center Foundation, said Hendrick was proud to partner with TSTC and the Digital Media Design department.

“We appreciate the opportunity to work with the young talent in our community, and we’re excited to have a hand in helping students reach their educational goals,” Archibald said.

TSTC is registering through Aug. 22 for the fall semester. Visit for more information.

TSTC Student Art Featured in Exhibition

13620352_10209835387026816_4543642920853365105_n(ABILENE) – Twenty-two pieces of art by Texas State Technical College’s Digital Arts and Digital Media Design students will be displayed in an exhibition called “Building the Future” through the end of July.

The exhibition, located at the Cockerell – Upstairs gallery at 1133 N. Second St., features pieces from video to photography and digital painting.

TSTC Instructor Amelia Carnagey said the show gives students an opportunity to get their name out to the community.

“Abilene is a very college-oriented and art-oriented city,” Carnagey said. “With the exhibition, we wanted to instill in our students a desire to get out into the community. We not only show them that they are artists, but we also help to introduce them to the community in a professional light.”

Students from the program submitted their work to be considered, and TSTC faculty chose the best to be featured. First place was awarded to Digital Arts student Amber Hernandez for her piece “Fly Fishing.” In second place was Digital Media Design student Alejandro Salcido with “Girl in Endless Field,” and in third place was Digital Arts student Hannah Elliot with “Before Ballet Class.”

The works of art will be on view at the Cockerell – Upstairs gallery through July 30. Each piece is available for purchase through the artist.

For more information on the Digital Media Design program, visit or call 325-672-7091.

TSTC REACH Club to Hold BINGO Fundraiser

Texas State Technical College’s Real Education on Addiction Can Help (REACH) Club will hold a BINGO fundraiser from 7 to 10 p.m. Friday, July 29, at TSTC’s Breckenridge Technology Building in Breckenridge.

The REACH Club was started in 2004 by two TSTC Chemical Dependency Counseling students to raise funds for scholarships and educate the community about addiction.

This fundraiser, which will be held for the second time since its debut in 2005, will not only raise awareness about addiction, but will also raise funds for student scholarships.

“We will have informational brochures set have out and, of course, take the opportunity to talk to people about addiction,” said Patricia Bundick, a Chemical Dependency Counseling instructor at TSTC and the faculty adviser for the club.

Bundick hopes the community will come out to enjoy the activity with the club.

“We want the community to be aware of what’s available here,” she said. “We also want the community to be able to participate in helping students.”

BINGO prizes so far include candles, gasoline gift cards, yard art and restaurant meals.

The Breckenridge Technology Building is located at 415 N. Breckenridge Ave. For more information on the fundraiser, call Bundick at 254-559-7721.

TSTC in Brownwood to Offer Emergency Medical Services Certificate

Texas State Technical College in Brownwood will begin offering an Emergency Medical Services certificate beginning in fall 2016.

Andy Weaver, Allied Health division director for TSTC in West Texas, said the new program revives a previously offered program.

“We used to offer Emergency Medical Services a number of years ago in Brownwood,” Weaver said. “Now, there was some local motivation for more health care programs to be available, so we’re bringing it back.”

The 16-credit-hour certificate can be completed in two semesters and prepares graduates to enter the field as an emergency medical technician.

Chris Furry, Lifeguard-Brown County EMS chief said Lifeguard is excited that TSTC is again offering the program in Brownwood.

“We are excited for the opportunity to work with the TSTC EMS program,” said Furry. “With the local program, students will be able to gain a direct understanding of Lifeguard’s services and patient care expectations, thus expanding our local candidate pool as they complete the program.”

The Bureau of Labor Statistics expects a 29 percent growth in emergency medical technician and paramedic jobs through 2022, with Texas being the nation’s top employer in that field.

“We have an ever-growing geriatric population and a reduction in the workforce,” Weaver said. “These combined are making it more challenging for organizations to remain staffed.  We want to open and grow the Brownwood Emergency Medical Services program to help serve the EMS industry in and around Brownwood.”

Before enrolling in the program, students must attend an information session, where they will be given a packet with pre-requirement information. Sessions will be offered at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, July 27, and Wednesday, Aug. 10, in Brownwood. Students can also attend a session in Abilene, where they are offered every Tuesday.

For more information on the program or the information sessions, contact TSTC in Brownwood at 325-643-5987.

Sweetwater Texas National Bank President Presents TSTC with Scholarship Check

TSTC Sweetwater Check Presentation sm(SWEETWATER) — Bill Johnson, president and CEO of Texas National Bank in Sweetwater, presented Texas State Technical College with a $1,000 check to go toward the Texan Success Scholarship Fund at a 3 p.m. presentation Wednesday, July 13, at Texas National Bank.

The Texan Success Scholarship is a “non-need based” $1,000 award for new, full-time students to provide cost assistance for the fall semester at TSTC.

Students are nominated for the scholarship by a high school academic or career counselor, a TSTC recruiter or TSTC faculty member. Students are then evaluated and can be awarded if they are eligible for high school graduation, have a minimum 2.0 grade-point average, have completed the conditional admission status for TSTC and demonstrated the potential to succeed in their desired technical program.

Johnson said Texas National Bank chose to make this donation because they share TSTC’s view of the importance of helping Texans prepare for the high-tech jobs required in today’s economy.

“We agree that not everyone needs to spend the time or money to obtain a four-year bachelor’s degree,” said Johnson. “Graduates of TSTC are able to enter the workforce quicker and oftentimes at compensation rates higher than those available to many graduates of liberal arts universities. The fact that TSTC in West Texas is right here in our backyard is icing on the cake.”

TSTC in West Texas Provost Eliska Smith said it’s exciting to see momentum building in Sweetwater for the Texan Success Scholarship Campaign.

“This donation means TSTC can contribute to strengthening Texas’ workforce,” Smith said. “With the Texan Success Scholarship, we are able to help more Sweetwater-area students start their careers in welding, diesel, automotive, wind, nursing and more.”

Texas National Bank in Sweetwater has supported the college many times throughout the bank’s 21-year history. Johnson served for several years on the board of directors of The TSTC Foundation. He also served for many years on the board of the Rolling Plains Technical Foundation before it merged with The TSTC Foundation.

TSTC is registering for the fall semester through Aug. 22. For more information on programs offered, or to apply, visit

TSTC Students to Challenge for Gold

(WEST TEXAS) – Two students from Texas State Technical College in West Texas are preparing to travel to Louisville, Kentucky to contend for gold medals at SkillsUSA’s National Leadership and Skills Conference.


Rachael Thompson will compete in First Aid-CPR and Jon William Lewis will compete in Information Technology Systems at the conference, which is scheduled for June 20 to 24. More than 6,000 high school and college students are expected to compete in about 100 contests.


“We are very proud,” TSTC in West Texas Provost Eliska Smith said. “We are excited that we will be represented again at SkillsUSA. It’s wonderful for them to have this experience to compete against other college students around the nation.”


The TSTC Foundation honored the students with a special send-off on Friday, June 10, in Abilene.


Winning a gold medal at the national competition can add another credential to students’ resumes and make them more marketable when job hunting.


“SkillsUSA is an excellent opportunity to get the attention of important people, whether it be the contest chair who is selected from industry or a potential employer through one’s resume,” said Lewis, 21, of Abilene and a May graduate in Computer Networking and Systems Administration.


Students from TSTC in West Texas, Waco and Harlingen won more than 30 gold medals, and more than 70 medals total, during SkillsUSA’s statewide postsecondary competition in early April in Waco.


“The biggest success I think we have had this year for our campuses in West Texas has been the amount of medals we have taken home this year,” said Crystal Latham-Alford, a SkillsUSA campus director for the Abilene, Breckenridge, Brownwood and Sweetwater campuses. “Also, this is the second year we have been up in participation numbers in the last five years. We continue to grow and the future looks bright.”


SkillsUSA is a professional organization teaching technical, academic and employability skills that help college students pursue successful careers. Members build these skills through student-led team meetings, contests, leadership conferences and other activities.


Registration continues for the fall semester at TSTC. For more information, log on to